Monday, December 23, 2019

The Ultimate Guide to Landing a Job in the New Year

The Ultimate Guide to Landing a Job in the New YearThe Ultimate Guide to Landing a Job in the New Year A new year is upon us. While many Americans make weight loss resolutions, promises to quit this bad habit or that nagging behavior, the ball drop also presents the opportunity to score a new job. However, in true new year fashion, resist the urge to carry over old behaviors. New year, new job search strategies .Studies show that approximately 50 percent of people search for a new job at the top of the year. Thats millions of people looking at millions of job openings on Glassdoor . Heres some good berichterstattung Its totally a job landseekers market right now. Companies are hiring- and with the right skills and a little help with the presentation, you can land yourself the perfect job.Glassdoors Editorial Director Amy Elisa Jackson teamed up with Skillcrushs Hit Refresh podcast to give you all of the tools to land a job in the new year. Thats right. All of the new job search strategies for 2018 to find the job that fits your life.Land the Damn Job is the ultimate job seekers podcast episode. We dig into the nitty-gritty of finding a job from personal branding to resume editing to interview prep and even salary negotiation.Skillcrush is an interactive online learning community that gives total tech newbies the tools to make major career changes. Together, were here to demystify technology and help you completely transform your career. Even better, we believe that learning digital skills should be entertaining, delightful, and approachable.Here are a few tips to get you started1. Pay attention to your social media presence. Recruiters and hiring managers will be looking at your resume, of course- but they also want to see complementary online content , too, such as your LinkedIn profile and online resume. In fact, one recruiter told Glassdoor she likes to see attachments, project work, videos, or blogs, too. 2. Highlight your transferabl e skills. You want to show off why youre right for a particular role. But you also want to make clear why youre right for any role , weve heard recruiters say. So, when it comes to your resume and titelblatt letter, focus on the skills and experience you have that would make you an ideal candidate anywhere. Then, in an interview, be ready to share how youll relay those skills in the new role. 3. Use your words. And more specifically, use the right words. Applicant tracking systems scan resumes in search of keywords, and throw out any that dont contain them before they have the chance to be seen by human eyes. So how can you game the tech? Its easy. Read the job description for the job youre applying- then see how those words stack up against similar job postings. Words that repeat across mulRead Morele listings belong on your resume- preferably at the top, as well as in context. 4. Tell a compelling story in your cover letter. You dont want to simply repeat whats on your res ume when you write your cover letter . Rather, you want to dig a little deeper, answering questions a potential employer might ask such as what makes this company your go-to choice, and why is this company special to you? Answer the questions in as much detail as possible to stand out from the crowd. 5. Catch your resume mistakes . Its not enough to run a simple spell check on your resume. Youll need to employ some special editing tactics- such as reading your resume backwards and asking a friend to proofread for you- in order to catch every mistake on the page. Theres even editing software specifically for resumes. If you allow an error to sneak in, you are sending the employer a (totally unintended and incorrect) message that you are sloppy and dont care about your work. 6. Prepare for an interview before you get it. You wont be caught off guard by an interview question if youve studied the common questions asked by recruiters and managers alike. Plus, knowing your respo nses in advance will keep you cool, calm, and collected during the interview- confidence any employer will be pleased to see.

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